So many years, so many generations. “Sotto” represents much of Endeavors past, present and future! Line bred from stock so revered over these years, Sotto’s momma, “Z” (aka Grazie) was the product of the first of George’s pupsicle litters. She was also Sherri’s re-entry into the obedience ring after many years since our first champion and obedience titled, “Maggie” (see Endeavors of the Past). When “Z” needed a mate, we could think of no better suitor than one of our own Abbey kids. A linebreeding on our foundation bitch, “Suds”.
“Chase”, very much like ole George, is justa great dog sold to and loved by Michael Rogers & family (yes In-Laws of our past apprentice & friend, Kimmie Goin-Rogers). Michael and his family kept Chase as a potential Endeavors stud from birth …and he made all his “Big 4” clearances! Thanks to his wonderful family for the honor of this stud opportunity! Chase has been a wonderful house pet, friend and childhood buddy for Michael….leaving lasting memories similar to those for John & George! Being line bred on “Suds”, it is not surprising that Sotto is an easy keeper, lovely mover, and like her grammas and gramps, mom & dad, she is smart smart smart!
“Sotto” followed quickly in her momma’s footsteps earning her CD and RN before she was even 2 years old. She easily made her 2 year clearances and is well on her way to being prepared to teach sherri how to do advanced obedience and rally work! Ha! That should be interesting….who will teach whom?!
Sotto is a higher energy and more “attentive” and smart dog , making her ideally suited for our advanced obedience work!
In the whelping box (Spring 2013) as a first time momma, she shows skill, level headedness and wonderful attentiveness & hardiness, more typical of an experienced momma! This is very exciting for our puppy futures! She, Misti, Marti & Sparkle are a “realignment” for the endeavors breeding program that is shaping up for a revolutionary future & more Golden Endeavors!
Thanks Chase, thanks ole man George, thanks Z and finally, suds-wuzzy woo!...Forever…. |